Stranger Than Usual

Have you ever seen a stranger on the street and known in an instant that they'd be an excellent person to date your ex? Something about the carriage of their head, the way they meet your eyes, unashamed in public, grinning at you a little from under their fluffy hat.

He could love you, I think. Easily. He could love you and you'd sing songs together and romp around and have adventures in odd places. And I'd hate to hate you and probably love you too after the jealousy faded. Cause you look awesome and fun and I've always had trouble understanding ownership anyway.

I wondered once what she was thinking, peeking at one such girl on the V train. Did she look back at me thinking her ex would like me too? Or maybe I got it all wrong. Maybe she was just looking at me alone, dreaming little dreams, a half smile turned away at the last second. Who knows why people stare at each other in the subway anyway?


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