1) There is a form of yoga called barbarian yoga during which the subject sits cross-legged on the floor and convulses his spine while making all kinds of whistling noises. If you ever get the chance to watch your roommate perform this routine, I highly recommend it. 2) The woman who picked me up at the airport last week was five foot five, weighed 113 pounds (by her own admission), had platinum blond hair, wore sunglasses indoors, and put on white satin gloves when she drove (to protect her hands from the sun). She arrived at the "Roar" lion film screening dressed for a fashion safari. Despite this, she's a proud Democrat and we both breathed easier at this discovery. 3) My librarian got all teary-eyed today when she learned that I moved here from Brooklyn, her own home town. "Why did you ever want to leave?" she asked.